The perfect coaching adventure for
People who want to Build a 10X Successful Life & Career as well as those who dream of Designing & Creating the life
they've always wanted.
Apply NOW for the REFOCUS YOUR LIFETM Adventure!
BUILD a strong foundation for your personal growth journey
SOAR to new heights with renewed vision & enthusiasm
The Refocus Your Life® Adventure is perfect if you are...
Needing a strong foundation on which to build your personal growth journey.
Needing to regain clarity for your career and your life.
Needing to refocus so you can make the next best decision for your life, your family & your career.

'Wow! One 3-hour session with you and I was blown away. I'd had a very negative mindset as to how this would help me. Your skill in getting me to realize things about myself and to make me aware of things that influence me and hinder my true potential - thank you Bertus for being so patient, for creating an environment that is warm, welcoming and non-judgemental!'
Ryan Kemp
Manager, Curtis Pools
The Refocus Your Life® Adventure is perfect for you!
If you are needing to break the cycle of poor thinking.
If you need to fan the flames of your enthusiasm for your career & your life.
If you need a one-off boost of Refocus coaching.

The Benefits of the Refocus Your Life® Adventure
Life has many different parts, and it takes dreams, goals, action and commitment in each area to be truly successful.
What you believe about yourself and your situation
will either hold you back from dreaming or
propel you forward into the life you've always dreamed of having.
And most importantly...
a completely Refocused vision for your present & your future.
It's your choice.
Refocus Coach can help you recognise your limiting beliefs, give you tools to break them and help you make the choices that matter.
The 8 areas of life that require a Refocused, High-Performance Mindset (& where are you right now in each area)
Mental Health
Are you feeding your mind the right stuff?
The whiner's diet of gossip, complaining, and conspiracy theories.
Or the winner's diet of consistent learning, positive solution planning,
and personal development.
Physical Health & Wellness
Are you a sofa surfer, a channel hopper, or a couch potato?
Or are you exercising daily, eating the right body & brain food & getting enough sleep to function optimally each day?
Spiritual Heath
You need to be taking care of your spirit. Are you feeding it the right stuff?
Are you meditating daily so that you have a solid grounding from which to act in any circumstance?
Financial Health
Are you actively working towards a healthy financial environment?
How will you handle financial, medical, & other disaster scenarios that may come your way?
Family Life
Are you so focused on your career that you don't have time to spend quality & quantity time with your significant other, your spouse & your children?
Friends & Social Life
Having friends & an active social life is vital.
It's the necessary balance to your career, bringing new perspectives, preventing you from being blind to the needs of other people.
Where are you right now when it comes to your friends & your social life?
Fun & Recreation
Like Friends & a Social Life, Fun & Recreation is vital.
All work & no play turns you into a navel-gazer, dull to be around & as uninteresting as you are disinterested.
What do you do on a regular basis for fun & recreation?
Business & Career
Your business & your career are your responsibility.
If you don't have a goal, you have nothing to aim for and your career life becomes mundane & repetitive.
Life needs a passion.
What's yours?
Ask yourself this...
- What do I really want?
- Why is this important to me?
- Why is this NOT happening?
- What is my strategy to achieve this?
- What should I do next?
- What is my commitment level?
- What limiting belief is holding me back?
- How will I break through?
- What is my main goal for the next 5 years, 12 months, & 91 days?
- What habit must I begin now for my goals to become reality?
- Are you ready to take ownership & responsibility for the future you want to create?
Can you do this alone?
Probably not!
That's why Refocus Coach is here to coach you through breaking your limiting beliefs, learning to dream BIG, and creating the life you've always wanted!
This Incredible 4-Month Adventure will Change
Your Life!
The 4-month Refocus Your Life® Adventure is made up of four parts:
A Discovery Session
(3-hour, once-off)
Uncover your limiting beliefs.
Begin the process of refocusing & re-programming your subconscious mind
for success.
8 x 1-2-1 Coaching Sessions Via Zoom
Untangle your blind spots & gain clarity on specific career or life challenges that are keeping you awake at night.
Refocus on successful solutions to help you gain clarity.
Online video course
Learn how to give yourself permission to dream again.
Learn how to create the blueprint for your dream life.
Learn how to build that dream life.
Learn how to build the you that you need to become to build that life.
Learn the basics of the 8 areas of life.
Join the Refocus Adventure Tribe
Enjoy access to the Online Refocus Adventure Tribe.
Enjoy access to ideas and business templates from other professionals.
Enjoy increased business opportunities.
Share business ideas with the Tribe.
Learn how to focus on what is truly important so that you can dream once more & dream BIG!
The Refocus Your Life® Adventure
Payment Options
Do you want hands-on coaching to help you regain clarity for your career and your life and break the limiting beliefs that are holding you back?
3 Options available, Self-study with video program only, or two options that include a Refocus Coach.

More Benefits of the Refocus Your Life® Adventure!
- Realign yourself with your goals.
- Become more productive, inspired, motivated, & solutions-orientated.
- Have clear daily success habits in place.
- Develop successful self-management of stress.
- Learn how to become & stay clear-minded.
- Improve your concentration.
- Learn how to develop stability when it comes to your moods.
- Improve your confidence levels so you are able to build a successful life.
- Improve the way you handle outside pressures.
- Learn how to consistently have more energy.
- Develop the courage to speak up.
- Become more influential as a team member and a leader

Perfect for
High-performing Individuals, Business Owners, Teams, & Couples.
First in the Breaking Limits series of books that will change your life!
‘If your desire is to create some major shifts in your life, and you are wanting to have real success, then this is an incredibly powerful book.’
- Savannah Steinberg
Founding Director of Star Leadership (Pty) Ltd